Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Project 1 : Digital Triptych Montage


due on your BLOG by September 3 (Tuesday, Classtime)


Miscellaneous info. 

**** The code to the lab, to get in
afterhours/weekends will be available
soon. I am confirming with Dillon (lab tech). ****



 P R O J E C T  O N E

D I G I T A L  T R I P T Y C H  M O N T A G E

Richard Hamilton montage (click to enlarge).

John Heartfield montage (click to enlarge).

Your first project will be to create a digital triptych montage! More directly, three separate images. A unique (and quite fashionable) way to grasp on core digital art mechanics while emulating masters of fine arts' past.


triptych (ˈtrɪptɪk) — n 1. a set of three pictures or panels, usually hinged so that the two wing panels fold over the larger central one: often used as an altarpiece 2. a set of three hinged writing tablets 


The dimensions at which your three images will be.
Locating this screen is as simple as finding on the
top bar IMAGE and then -> IMAGE SIZE.


Create a series of three works of digital photographic montage in Adobe Photoshop from specific source material. You must use as your subject matter for each of the three works at minimum the same 25 scanned or found images for 25 separate layers. Repeating : There will be 25 different layers on the Photoshop file, and 25 different images/'pieces' of sorts throughout those layers. These 25 source images are to be comprised from some combination of the following: scanned objects (flatbed scanned), images appropriated from books and magazines (flatbed scanned), and images downloaded from the Internet. At least one of the images you use must be of a word.

All images are to be found or otherwise appropriated, including the word. Use Adobe Photoshop to creatively combine your image elements into three cohesive image compositions that will exist as a triptych. Remember, each of your images MUST include all of 25 of your source images in each composition! Consider the conceptual link between image, object and word that will be created by their combination. Again : All three panels will contain the 'same' layers-images : Just arranged differently. The meanings conveys out of the new arrangements are up to you!

Very important! Save your images with layers intact as we will be further using your image for the next project (animation). You achieve this by simply saving the file as a Photoshop file. Keep file safe!

PROJECT DIMENSIONS : 2160 x 3840 (per panel).

Past examples!..

In addition, an example of a statement to accompany the above three panels..

Statement : The Title of this Triptych is "Epiphany".  I assembled it in Adobe Photoshop Elements CS3.  I used scans from the graphic novel Watchmen by Alan Moore, as well as scans of a sticker and my passport.  The rest of the images were culled from Google.

This piece is meant to illustrate the moment when one realizes that in the grand scheme of the universe, their existence is an infinitesimal blip.  What might seem to be earth-shattering is just as unimportant as anything else.  But even if the universe is cold and unreachable, there is still beauty in its machinations- unfolding slowly on an unimaginable scale, comfortably unconcerned by the entirety of life as we know it.

The content of your work is up to you. Consider the possibilities of Adobe Photoshop to cut, paste, resize, etc.. Scan photographs from family albums, magazines, etc.. Bring in various found objects to scan - junk, a meaningful keepsake, etc.. Pick a word or words, either scanned from text, handwritten or otherwise created outside of the computer, scan it and include the work in the image. Think about how the creative unexpected associations of disparate images and texts functions to establish new and multiple readings of the works.

For clarity : You'll essentially have 'six' images. Three Photoshop files you'll keep in tact for later and three online (flat files, ex. JPG) resolution files to post on your blog. You will save a .JPG out of the .PSD file. A .JPG will be flattened and available for online transfer. 

Helpful Photoshop Links

Sometimes, simply Google searching "photoshop CS5/CS6" will earn you immediate results. Abuse this and learn all you can about the program!

(Ongoing) List of Calendar Events

[ o n g o i n g ]  l i s t  o f  c a l e n d a r  e v e n t s


One of your tasks throughout the entire
semester (due at a date in December)
is referencing three art events in a
a one-page (each) write up. Meaning
three pages total for three events.
It is your critical analysis! Not summary.

These events may either be on the art
school calendar... or if you see one happening
where you may visit or even in town, contact
me so I may okay it.

As events come up, I will update this post
so it is clear as possible what is acceptable!

UPDATE : It is preferable you go to/write about
the actual reception or speech for a show, but
fine if your schedule does not accommodate. In
that case, you can visit a show during regular
gallery hours.


Curated Student Art Show
JTB, Galleries South
Ongoing, Gallery Hours

December 5, Thursday
"Rafael Lopez - Faded Glory"
4-5 PM Lecture [in LLC 141 (Living Learning Community),UNR] 
5:30-7:30PM, Opening Reception

December 12, Thursday
Sheppard Contemporary, UNR/CFA
"(A)Muse - Faculty Show"
5-7PM, Reception

Setting Up Your Blogger!

While it is a very straightforward process, it is ultimately the first that will be done in this class. If there is any difficulty in setting up your personal class blog to link all others and myself to, please follow this basic guide!

For further notice, clicking on a 'sized' image on these blogs will enlarge them.


1. The website of choice is 'blogger.com'.
A simple engine search will get you there.
Important : To create your blog you will
need a Google account. If you click on...

2. You will see this screen. If you already have
a Google account, go ahead and skip to 4.
If already logged in you will bypass this screen.

If you have no Google account, note the 'SIGN UP'
in the top right. Go ahead and click on that.

3. Basic sign-up process! Confirm a gmail,
even if you will sparingly use it. It will be your
basic log-in tool for your blog. Once done-

4.) You should enter the main interface. It is
a list of your existing blogs, which of good
chance, shall be zero (unless you already
blog, then more power to you.)

Note the options available to you. The big
pencil button will send you to creating a new post.
To note on the drop down is 'Template' which
will get you blog decoration options and 'Settings'
which help you adjust basics like URL and name.

5.) When you enter here, the new post interface,
you will see an organization of basic text tools.
To note by 'Link' at the top is an image icon
which is a portal to uploading and posting images.
It will be invaluable to posting most assignments.

A slight use of the HTML will be made later on
to embed videos, but not immediately.
Once your specific post is desired, go ahead
and click 'Publish' and you have posted!

I will mention this at a few more junctures, but once you have created a blog (created, no post necessary until first projects/questions due), send me the URL link to it so I may compile in a post a link to all peers' blogs. It will be invaluable as well to later objectives.

Beyond that, for more assistance, consult this link :http://www.stevendkrause.com/academic/docuverse/blogger.html

Sunday, August 25, 2013

List of Class Blogs!

[ b l o g  l i n k s ]

[ b l o g s ]


Below shall be a list of all
peer blogs in Digital Media I.

You might bookmark the page!
We will visit this often, and it
will be helpful to see peer progress.


Connor Golcoechea _ http://art245connor.blogspot.com/
Elizabeth Bennett _ http://bitbee26.blogspot.com/
